Day 75 - weight loss - 98.5 kg

 I felt good and motivated today. 

I am eager to lose weight. I have in mind to drop 200 grams every day. I know it is a lot, but the idea that I could have my dream body by my birthday is stronger than any struggle. 

98.5 kg as per today. 

I read a bit from the Lake by Yasunari Kawamata. However, I found the first novelette to be boring and ridiculous. I didn't like it. I have two more to read. 

I felt very tired after work. I did some extra hours. 

Skin care: retinol + serum + SPF cream 

Food : tomatoes, cucumbers, cheese, eggs and bread

Book : Yasunari Kawamata - "the Lake" 

Water: Almost 5 liters.


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