Day 28 - a busy day

 Today I woke up at 6 a.m., brushed my teeth and took my supplements and then I headed to Mizil. 

There, my driving instructor waited for me and we went to Ploiesti, where we did the papers for driving school. I successfully subscribed to it. 🚗

So soon I will be a driver on the roads of this marvelous country! 

I arrived in Mizil at noon and then I went to Lidl supermarket and I bought some groceries. I arrived home at 2h45 p.m. and I logged in for work at 3 p.m. until 8 p.m. 

I felt so sleepy in the afternoon, but I was so relieved that I got it done. Now I have to go through with it, I can't back down now. This is no longer a resolution. 💥


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