Day 2 - I already feel better
Today I woke up more refreshed and earlier than yesterday. I had an excellent night's sleep.
I didn't feel hungry in the morning so I had my lunch later, at around 12-13 pm. I had a shower in the morning and I washed my face with a cleaner from Bioderma, then I applied a serum, salicylic acid and a SPF cream to my face.
I tried to read something today during work hours, but I could only read 1 story from Fănuș Neagu's book. I continued reading from his book after dinner.
Although I feel good about my new diet, I still crave for things. So I snacked on smoked chicken breast even though I shouldn't have and had two vanilla biscuits. In the evening I had a lamb stew instead of chicken.
It is very difficult for me to focus. I find myself picking up my phone to look for something and then I wake up scrolling or playing games. I try to reduce the time I spend on my phone with doing something more productive. What is a blessing could also be a curse.
I want to give my body time to heal and adjust to movement and better food. I want to understand nutrition and bring myself to exercise more. Baby steps.
Weight this morning: 98 kg
Wake up: 09:45
Skin care: morning (serum + salicylic acid + SPF day cream) + evening (micellar water + serum + salicylic acid + night cream)
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs + radish + smoked chicken breast
Lunch: Cheese + radish + tomatoes + melon slice + 1 slice of bread
Snack: 2 cream vanilla biscuits
Dinner: lamb stew with veggies + cabbage and carrot salad + 2 slices of bread
Book: Fănuș Neagu - Dincolo de Nisipuri (Beyond the sands)
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